China is the first country in the world to operate flying taxis

China is the first country in the world to operate flying taxis

Not long ago, China surprised the public again with the presence of its advanced technology. As seen in a video upload circulating in cyberspace, it shows how amazed the technology presented by China is.

One of them was shared via social media belonging to the Instagram account some time ago. The video shows a number of flying taxis that look very similar to helicopters.

China has become the first country in the world to operate flying taxis. This represents a significant step forward in the urban air transport industry. In the video, it appears to show the launch of China's first autonomous flying taxi in the world.

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It is known that flying taxis can cut a 1 hour journey to just 7 minutes. According to information gathered, it will not be long before the autonomous flying taxi becomes a reality after the EHang company obtained the world's first production certificate for this transportation.

For information, EHang has received permission for mass production of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) pilotless passenger carriers from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC).

"We have a vision of introducing reliable and safe pilotless eVTOL aircraft to the global market," said EHang CEO Huazhi Hu,

Previously, what the EHang EH216-S first announced in 2018 was a small, fully electric VTOL aircraft with a carbon fiber fuselage and 16 propellers and powered by 16 motors.

This transportation is designed very nicely as a passenger transportation that can accommodate two passengers and has an autonomous driving system. EHang hopes that the EH216-S can be used in various fields, such as air taxi services, airport shuttles, air tourism and cross-island transportation.


This eVTOL (electric Vertical Take-Off and Landing) aircraft has 16 propellers and can carry two passengers up to a distance of 30-40 km. Its cruising speed reaches 100 km/hour, and its altitude can reach around 3,000 meters. According to sources, EHang is also scheduled to fly in Bali next October.

There is no need to doubt the safety of flying taxis. The flying taxi is equipped with various safety systems, including an automatic emergency landing system and anti-collision technology. Extensive trials have been carried out to ensure passenger safety and stable operations.

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